SABRINA ANDOLPHO — Before her YouTube start, Sabrina was going a bit viral with her “Play a Hole With Me” videos on TikTok. She was beginning to really be noticed and it was all at the time when YouTube Golf was starting to pick up (I can’t recall if it was around the GoodGood split, or after).
But anyhow, there was always a big reason why Sabrina was getting so much hype…hard to pinpoint, just can’t put my finger on it, but I kind of recall a huge reason why she was becoming so popular.
Oh, and she was also a great golfer, so that makes it fun to watch.
So, here is Sabrina playing a worst ball scramble and trying her best to be ‘trendy’, using so many of the meme sounds that were popular 1 year before she got on YouTube (no one passed her the memo), and putting together respectable golf content. This is before her DJI mic purchase and better equipment acquisition. I know, reading this, if you are like me and have been keeping up with YouTube golf, makes you relive youtube history. I’m like a YouTube Golf historian of some sort.
Anyway, here Sabrina goes out there and puts together some good content, with golf shot tracers and everything. In this video, she is still doing a lot of what her to be so recognized and going viral on TikTok… you know, setting those tees down slowly, getting good shots of her swing, and just being dramatic (which, to her credit, this last one she has maintained throughout her youtube career).
This is very fun video to watch. Good golf, good content, Sabrina is in it, and she even does a TikTok with some boys that she includes in her video at the end. Very creative.