BERMUDA — This is the third installment of a collaboration series between Bryan Bros, BustaJack, Micah Morris, and Grant Horvat. The golf is great and the competition is rigid. You can see emotions flying amongst the boys, even as they are known to be good friends (but you never know in golf…or youtube).
The course at @Bermuda was magnificent. What a great privilege the boys have to play such an amazing course for this championship.
- The first YouTube Championship Champion was MadJack (Cole Lantz).
- The second YouTube Championship Champion was George Bryan of @BryanBrosGolf.
The big question for this tournament, which now included Wesley Bryan, was which of the most consistent golfers would come out victorious at the end. Would George hold on to his title? Could Grant, who had been playing better golf as of lately, have a chance at it? Or would Wesley, with his Pro card, beat everyone out and take the title on this Third Youtube Championship?
Micah and the BustaJack crew play really good golf and are top-tier, but their mind seemed to not be in it for this tournament. For as long as Micah hits it (perhaps longest than all of them), he almost always takes himself out of competition on wild shots, mental mistakes, and poor short game off and on the green. We always root for the underdog, though! But this was a match that required good mindset and good golf.
Worth every watch second. Great video put together by the boys!